
I believe that learning is deepest, and most enduring when it is grounded in experience. Real learning requires an emotional connection, which springs naturally out of self-directed inquiry and play. Thickets bridges the gap between “school” and children’s outside lives, encouraging their ability to build on what they already know and make connections to new and ever more complex ideas.

The medium is the message.

  • The Woods.

    Spending part of every day outdoors, in the woods, in all kinds of weather, nurtures a general awareness and a connection to nature. Knowing (not just knowing about) the soil and trees, water and animals, weather and seasons, being in a relationship with a place, inspires love and caring...and ultimately, promotes a sense of responsibility.

  • The City.

    In a similar manner, our time spent exploring the city nurtures a civic identity and a sense of ownership and agency as community members. Thickets kids are out in the world.

  • The People.

    Within the work (and play!) of building relationships with our physical community, is the crucial and ongoing work of building relationships with each other. Each day is filled with debate, negotiation, critical thinking, evaluation and compromise as we navigate and enjoy individual and group pursuits.

At Thickets, learning is relevant and embedded in the process of school life, rather than delivered discretely as “content”. Our tiny 6-person community serves as an ideal microcosm of society, a venue for practicing real life skills.



Alliance for Self-Directed Learning - The Alliance for Self-Directed Education (ASDE) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing accessibility and awareness of Self-Directed Education as a way of living and learning, and connecting the communities and voices of the movement.

Astra Taylor on the Unschooled Life (Video) - Raised by independent-thinking bohemian parents, Taylor was unschooled until age 13. Join the filmmaker as she shares her personal experiences of growing up home-schooled without a curriculum or schedule, and how it has shaped her educational philosophy and development as an artist.

Reading Readiness Has To Do With The Body - Learn how bodily experiences prepare children for the magic found when shapes become words, words become stories, and they become readers.